From Head to Toe…and everything in between!
Head to Toe is a new and exciting research project, which marks a different way of us working within education – in a different learning environment, a different area of the curriculum and through a different relationship with teachers.
We’re working with year 3 and 4 pupils from 5 Primary Schools across Lancashire in literacy and numeracy time, to use creativity, dance and movement to explore different learning strategies for concentration, engagement, memory and recall. We’re looking at methods which go beyond the traditional forms and look into how the body and environment can play its part. We are hoping to encourage pupils to better understand their own learning styles and preferences, to be inquisitive and creative.
We are working collaboratively with class teachers and senior leaders, to shape this project to the school’s needs, to the pupils’ needs and to allow space for the teachers’ own development. INSET and additional PPA time allows space for teachers to reflect on practice, evaluate progress and for self-enquiry and to explore how we best embed the learning in future school life.
As we move through this two year programme of discovery, we are finding huge benefits to our approach. Pupils’ autonomy is developing, they are finding new ways to access learning and teachers are noticing improved retention of knowledge by exploring it more physically and creatively. Our journey so far has allowed us to explore key curriculum topics within English and Maths, including place value, narrative writing, report writing and word class and grammar.
You can hear more about the project from our artists in our two blogs here and here!
We’re working towards some fantastic outcomes, including whole-school INSETs, school consultation and learning resources, alongside research papers and conference presentations. Follow our socials and watch this space to hear more and find out what comes next….
Generously funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation